How to detox your gut with salt and water

Detoxifying your gut using a simple solution of salt and water can be an effective method for some people to cleanse their digestive system. Here’s a straightforward guide on how to do it safely:

Preparation Day

Reduce Food Intake: The day before your detox, it's advisable to lower your food consumption. This helps prepare your gut for the cleansing process without being overly full.

Detox Day

1. Morning Salt Water Preparation:

  • Mix 3 grams of sea salt into 500ml of room-temperature water. The temperature is key—avoid hot or cold water as room temperature is most effective for absorption.

  • Shake well and drink it slowly. For instance, drink half the bottle, wait for 1-2 minutes, then finish the second half.

  • Prepare and consume three bottles of this saltwater mixture, completing all within 30 minutes.

2. Response Times:

  • Reactions can vary. Some might feel the urge to use the bathroom immediately, while others may notice it takes between 30 minutes to an hour. For some, it might take a bit longer.

3. Adjusting the Salt Dosage:

  • If the initial attempt is not successful, you can increase the salt dosage the next day.

  • Try 4-5 grams of salt per 500ml of water, using two bottles. Consume all the water within 30 minutes, similar to the first method.

  • It's beneficial to either fast, consuming only honey water, or eat a minimal amount of food before beginning the detox process.


Gradually Increase Food Intake:

  • After completing the detox, reintroduce food slowly into your diet. Start with something gentle like rice porridge, which consists only of rice and water. This helps stabilize your digestive system before returning to a regular diet.

Safety and Considerations

  • Consult a Professional: Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any detox plan, especially if you have health concerns or dietary restrictions.

  • Monitor Your Body’s Response: Pay attention to how your body reacts during the detox. If you experience any adverse effects, consider stopping the process and consult a professional.

Detoxing with salt water can be a powerful method to cleanse the gut, but it’s important to proceed with caution and be mindful of your body’s signals.


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